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Loan Anh Nguyen 

Difficulties of IT Job


Because computers are important to our lives, there is a need to develop in computer science, engineering, software, electronic, and industrial. Information technology is a very hard job to do, but it also is very interesting for someone who is skilled in it. As an IT careers, you can have more chances to find jobs. IT has many risks that are involved. Some of the risk can’t be controlled for example the computer fails or the network connection goes down. This can result in time and money lost. Also, there might be the risk of hackers stealing information, employees and ordinary people can do these type to things. The job is difficult because the software has to be developed for the customers and that applies to everyone. It has to be designed to be fast, efficient, and not easy to be hacked or break. The customers can also sue if they find something wrong with the product. It is also hard because of deadlines of the job if it must be done fast but this job may take more time to finish. The job is always in a difficult situation because it takes a lot of time to develop software.

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